Friday, May 24, 2013

Layout Plans

After a few weeks of staring at the NS division map, google maps, and pictures from a long the division I have decided on the following points of interest for the track plan. 6 points will be on the scenic portion of the layout, with  9' long trains, I will need a minimum of 10' between each section in order to have the train never be in two sections at the same time.  My mainline will need to be a minimum of 110' long.  10' per city and 10' between each.  Because the staging yards will enter the layout from a hidden area, they can enter directly into the first town.

While this route would not traditionally have passenger service, many of the towns I have selected have beautiful old stations and I will probably do a few of them on the layout and consider the idea of an excursion train.

Kansas City, MO - West Staging

Moberly, MO - Industry, Small Yard, Station

Mexico, MO - Multiple Industries, Station

Missouri River Crossing
Missouri River Bottoms (Earth City) - Multiple Industries

St. Louis, MO - Luther Yard, Industry, Intermodal
Mississippi River Crossing - Merchants Bridge

Centralia, IL - Industry, Coal Branch Junction, Small Yard
Mt. Vernon, IL - Industry, Interchanges

Huntingburg, IN -  Industry

Louisville, KY - East Staging

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